MAMAS: You don't have to do it alone anymore!

This is a health program that gets to the root cause of your symptoms + repairs the body

NOW is exactly the right time for more virtual health care professionals

Being a new mama is tough... We get it!

As moms, we have a gut sense about our babies, and we know when something is off.

Dear mama,

Postpartum is hard enough. We are under-slept, overworked, and undernourished in most cases. We love on these babies though pine for just one moment alone. We would give our right arm for the health and well-being of our wee ones, and at the same time, we struggle along so much trying to sort things out on our own. Kudos to you for taking that on.

Here’s where my work comes in. With advanced training in Muscle Testing, we can help guide you toward what foods you should or shouldn’t be eliminating from your diet. We give you specific direction and nutrition support to begin healing the body’s challenges. We help to nourish you and help you feel satisfied with your eating, because your health directly impacts your little one. With Foundational Medicine, we will get to the bottom of why you feel the way you do and how we can best support you and your little one.

As moms, we are the ones that everyone comes to when they're sick. We are the ones making decisions for our family & their health. We know our kids better than anyone else. But we don't always have all of the answers! We too, need someone that we can turn to when we're just needing a little extra support. We can guide you to transform not only your life, but the lives of your loved ones, too.

What if you could have...

  • Increased Energy

  • ​​Restorative Sleep

  • ​​Answers to Weight Issues

  • ​Relief from Headaches

  • ​A Strong Immune System

  • Freedom from Fungus

  • Autism Support

  • Clarity & Support

  • Normal Digestion & Bowel Activity

Foundational Medicine and Muscle Testing

helps you give your body the support it needs to thrive.

What is Muscle Testing?

Muscle Testing is a non-invasive way of analyzing the body to determine the underlying and root causes of your health problems, utilizing Foundational Medicine to provide lasting solutions.

Consider, for a moment, the amount of mental/emotional, chemical, metal, and environmental toxicity we were born with, breathe in, eat, and otherwise exposed to on a daily basis. Our bodies are stressed! But the good news is your body is designed to heal itself. It just needs to be supported in the right way.

What Makes Muscle Testing Combined With Foundational Medicine Different Than Other Methods?

  • No needles or blood work.

  • You’ll learn what toxicity (mental/emotional, environmental, chemical, or metal) your body is dealing with.

  • We can pinpoint food sensitivities, non-invasively and accurately.

  • This method allows you to quickly understand your body and what it needs, and how it begins to change as we peel back more layers and address each.

  • It eliminates the one-size-fits-all healthcare paradigm, and provides instead, a bio-individualized approach.

  • Your protocol increases the amount of nutrients your body can absorb on a cellular level to promote healing from the inside out.

  • It puts you in control over making the changes necessary to see improved health.

Have You Ever Suffered From Any Of These Symptoms?


Moms With:

  • Fertility & Sustaining Pregnancy

  • Successful Postpartum Recovery

  • Anxiety

  • Cravings

  • Joint Pain

  • Managing Her Cycle

  • Boosting Libido


Kids/Babies With:

  • Gas, Bloating, & Acid Reflux

  • Rashes & Eczema

  • ​Fussiness & Colic

  • ​Asthma & Allergies

  • Ear Infections

  • Focus & Concentration


  • Autism, PANS, & PANDAS

If you answered yes to any of these, then this free call is for you.

This is a health program that gets to the root cause of your symptoms + repairs the body

We walk alongside you to provide:

  • Supplemental Support & Schedules

  • Diet & Lifestyle Support

  • Emotional Clearing

The program we offer is a membership, with

as-needed follow-up visits for one year.

We customize your supplement schedule as

your body adapts and changes.

Re-establishing priorities as you heal.

My Healthy Beginning is here to

provide education & direction,

empowering you to take on your well-being, &

giving you the answers you've been looking for.


Real Results From Real People!


"I was having some issues with my cycle. I was a few years out from having kids, but I knew that was something I wanted, eventually."

"I had had some experiences with an OBGYN who was attempting to help me with these issues and it just wasn't going the direction I wanted it to go."

"I took my supplement protocol that she had put together for me and 4 days later, I had my first cycle in over a year! Now it's totally regulated. It felt like a miracle. I was able to get pregnant, relatively easy, which I feel so grateful for and I know she played a role in that."


"Before coming to Nichi, I didn't understand that you can create your own health. Now, I don't feel like I'm a victim of any diseases or ailments coming my way because I'm so empowered by the tools that I can use to make my body stronger."

"When I first started being a mom, I didn't know how to treat basic things, like a fever or a cough, but after working with her I just have so much more confidence. With Nichi, you have a support system and she's an awesome guide & resource."

"She's helped us avoid so many emergency situations by teaching us how to recognize our early symptoms and prevent them from getting worse."


"I started my care journey with Nichi because of my youngest son. He had a lot of issues with food sensitivities and was having rashes show up all over his body."

"With her helping me, it helped me to feel more confident in being able to help him. The journey continued through me when I decided that instead of just my kids, mom got to take a turn, too!"

"Once I finally did go and take that final step, it made the difference for how I feel like I'm parenting now. I'm not really in a fog anymore, my brain is clear, I can do things better for my children because I'm taking care of myself."

Thursday,February 17th, 2020
at 8pm EST

Nichole Hirsch Kuechle

Holistic Health Practitioner, Founder of Heartspace Muscle Testing, PSYCH-K® Facilitator, Advanced MBSR (Mind Body Spirit Release) Practitioner, Author, Clinical Master in Nutrition Response Testing

At the age of 19, after years of physical pain and mental anguish, I felt nothing would change about my health. I was always sick and over-prescribed, and my emotional well being was undernourished. I wasn’t heard, fully supported, or improving.

My career in natural wellness started with massage therapy, craniosacral therapy, doula services, and Bradley childbirth education, and has evolved into serving mamas and their families in all aspects of their wellness. I have come alongside families in transforming their physical and mental health for more than 20 years and am leading the charge in raising up women who are devoted to their healing. The dynamic ripple effect is empowered women ascending and growing together.

After serving clients for 23 years with muscle testing, I realized something had to change when nothing was working to support the emotional well-being of my clients. In 2022, I launched the Heartspace Muscle Testing Method, acknowledging that mental and emotional stress is an integral part of physical healing. It was the only process that has seen me through whatever comes up in regards to my health and gets me to the other side.

No times available at the moment

Check back tomorrow

Thursday,February 17th, 2020
at 8pm EST

Dr. Isaac Jones

7-Figure Virtual Practice Coach

I’ve built a 7-figure, virtual practice that gave me the lifestyle of my dreams. I teach doctors and health experts how to generate 6-7 figures per year in sales with a virtual practice. 

Time left until next webinar


February 17th, 2020

at 8pm EST

Dr. Isaac Jones

7-Figure Virtual Practice Coach

I’ve built a 7-figure, virtual practice that gave me the lifestyle of my dreams. I teach doctors and health experts how to generate 6-7 figures per year in sales with a virtual practice. 

Book a Free Health Consult!

You don't have to do it alone anymore!

My Healthy Beginning is here to provide education & direction, empowering you to take on your wellbeing, and giving you the answers you've been looking for.

BONUS: Do you have a little one under the age of 1 y/o? When mom joins on a program, baby gets their first year FREE!

​This is a FREE Webclass.

There Are No Costs, But Time Is Very Limited. 

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