My Healthy Beginning is now offering
Mentorship Programs
for health practitioners
that are looking to incorporate
Muscle Testing into
their practice.
Using the Method of Intentional Inquiry
Taught By: Nichole Hirsch Kuechle
You are learning Advanced Muscle Testing and are ready to implement into your practice.
Imagine running a practice where each of your clients are empowered in their programs and getting the results they need.
You need a support system that will empower you, continue your education, and give you the resources you need.
This is the only way to gain continued access to Nichi and her mentorship through the Method of Intentional Inquiry.
Intimacy - Vulnerable conversations around handling your own energy when working with the energy of your clients. It's the getting out of your head and into your heart.
Why: By allowing the truth of who you are as a practitioner to shine through, your clients will connect with you on a deeper level. Finding a way to keep yourself grounded is necessary so you can be responsible for how you enter into each client session.
Interviews - Questions to ask during muscle testing, when to know what to ask. Learning how to use the language your client uses in their speaking to gain deeper access in their muscle test.
Why: Asking the right questions by grasping the language used by your client will optimize your results and provide you with the overall picture of what your client is dealing with.
Integration - Gain confidence and certainty in how to collaborate with or connect both the mental/emotional space to the energy of the physical ailments your clients' experience.
Why: Emotional toxicity is a key problem to maintaining health. Making space for your clients' emotional well-being will be profound in your work. Once we address the emotional piece, the physical soon follows.
Implementation - Support in how to put this work into practice, no matter what kind of practitioner you are or skill set you have.
Why: The work that we do will provide you with root cause solutions for your clients' health issues. This program gives you the confidence you need to handle complex cases.
Intention - How to access your Heartspace and who do you want to be that builds rapport and cultivates connection with your clients. A space of self-mastery and growth to support you in breaking through old patterns and limiting beliefs. Creating space for creating a life you love while reinventing yourself.
Why: Leaning in to unpack our limitations and to handle what’s unresolved allows us to sink in more deeply. Disrupting the patterns that you've been stuck in will allow you to grow your skills as a practitioner. You'll provide your clients with lasting solutions, rather than temporary fixes.
Intuition - Learning when to listen and how to capture what you might believe to be important when working with your clients. Learning to trust in yourself.
Why: You'll identify more clearly what you’re dealing with as a practitioner & ongoingly monitor where they are at and how they are responding to their life, program, and protocol.
Insights - Learn how to utilize intuition and being in your Heartspace to facilitate bringing about the best result for your client
Why: When you begin listening, you begin connecting dots. The more you lean into it, the more you will trust yourself, and the more deeply you will know your client or patient.
1 Monthly group call with Nichole Hirsch Kuechle
1 Monthly case review - recorded & uploaded into the program portal
The insights provided in the group calls and case reviews will support your implementation of this technology in your practice.
Gain confidence in your ability to apply the Method of Intentional Inquiry to generate optimal results for your patients.
Ongoing engagement and community in our membership portal
Testing for the Root Cause
Applying the Measure (Certainty in Your Client's Progress)
Connecting Emotions to Symptoms
Testing for Alternative Modalities
Testing into the Future
Dosing for Maximum Impact
Common Solutions (Low Doses)
What the Body Will Handle (Reducing Adverse Outcomes)
Energetic vs. Emotional
Impacts of COVID-19
Listening for the "Chirp"
Asking Yes/No Questions
Finding & Tracking the Priority
Measuring Symptom vs. Organ vs. Priority
Areas of Importance (Drainage & Binding)
After 23 years of muscle testing, I realized something had to change when nothing was working to support the emotional well-being of my clients. The stress was killing me.
I was overwhelmed and over the hustle. I had previously taught a one-day muscle testing training and used a system that had a great framework, and yet lacked an empowering way to guide my clients into the next best version of themselves. It wasn’t until I truly began to value myself as a healer, mentor, and teacher that I could see what I was stepping into was bigger than using it for my own practice.
It quickly became obvious to me that it was time to listen to my intuition and stop being shy about what I needed to teach.
It’s about creating a bigger impact, supporting each other as healers, and serving our clients on a deeper level. This is about leaning in, listening, and ASKING the right questions with your muscle testing.
~ Nichi
Fellow practitioners, it’s time to drop into your Heartspace, release your resistance to using your intuition, & step into a new framework.
Become a master with the Method Of Intentional Inquiry
A structure for growth and impact with lasting solutions
"So I am a complete newbie to muscle testing and so to find this framework that she has created, you know, you get to make it your own. It was just so fantastic that I could learn this, apply it right away, and use it to give my patients these answers to questions they may have had, but didn't know how to address the root cause."
"Finding the solutions to different stressors on the body and being able to really encourage patients & give them hope in their healing; that their symptoms aren't just a list of symptoms, that they do correlate with what the body is telling you."
"I've taken a lot of courses and I've never once had any course provide the information that Nichi provided in the Heartspace Muscle Testing Course."
"After taking the course, I feel like I learned how to address patients' emotional side, more than I was already addressing. I also learned to pinpoint priorities based on looking at the entire picture of-- like the overall picture of this person's health, so I'm no longer missing things, I'm not skipping priorities, I'm not missing different hidden stressors. She just taught us to get right to the point and get right to the answer."
An educator, mentor, and practitioner with over 20 years of experience in the foundational medicine field. Nichi has dedicated her career to empowering providers and clients alike to connect with their inner knowing and navigate health concerns more effectively.
As an educator, she is known for her engaging teaching style and ability to break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand terms. No matter the setting, she is committed to ensuring students walk away with the knowledge and tools to succeed.
As a practitioner, she has helped numerous clients achieve optimal health, using muscle testing to guide treatment. Her compassionate and holistic approach to care has earned a reputation as a trusted and respected practitioner.
Throughout her career, Nichi has remained committed to advancing the field. She continuously explores new modalities and pursues further training to support her clients and students.
Picture This For Your Practice
As an Advanced Muscle Testing Practitioner, you’ll support clients in getting on top of their emotional and energetic well-being. You’ll see through tough client cases and know when to refer them on. By allowing the truth of who you are as a practitioner shine through, your clients will connect more deeply with you, your relationships will be built on trust and understanding, and you’ll no longer carry the burden of “making sure they get well.”
Imagine what it would feel like to:
Wake up every single morning knowing your purpose
Have the certainty to know what you’re dealing with
Expand your vision to see deeper transformation in your clients
Listen fully to your intuition
Monthly: $198/month
Yearly: $2133/year = Saving you $243!
(Future pricing may vary)
WARNING: Space is limited, secure your spot now!
Choose your payment option below to get started.
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